L9000 Non-Keyed

L9040 x XL11-466 & LV9040 x XL11-46 / L9010 / L9040 & LV9040 / L9044 & LV9044 / L94440 & LV9440 / L9444 & LV9444

L9000 Non-Keyed

Mortice Locks - Passage, Bath/Bedroom and Privacy Functions

It has always been recognized that a mortice lock offers a higher degree of security than a rim or cylindrical lock. The L9000 series of mortice lock offers a dynamic range of functions, each providing a strength and quality which we believe is unsurpassed .

Because L locks are designed with split followers, a knob/lever on one side of the door can be set to operate independently from the knob/lever on the opposite side.

This section describes products which are operable without keys (from both sides).

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