Keylex - K700 Digital Locks

K700, K700.FP, K700.B, K700K, K700K.FP & K700K.B / K700AR & K700AR.FP / K700M & K700MFP / K700.B1 & K700.B2

Keylex - K700 Digital Locks

K700, K700B, K700AR and K700M Series

Use the Keylex 700 on all standard duty, high security external door installations and on any door where a flexible Euro profile key system is required. Always choose the K2100K option for military, police and fire service installations.

The narrow stile Keylex 700 design, with its built-in clutch mechanism protecting the lock furniture, will suit all stile widths down to 45mm and is particularly suited for use on aluminium and hollow metal door sections.

The Keylex 700 can be expected to give many years’ service if specified and maintained correctly.

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